Business You Don't Have To Pay For Lunch at Roanoke's Ursula's Café, And Its Owners Are OK With That The eatery and arts venue that opened in downtown Roanoke last week brings what may be the first donate-what-you-can cafe to the city.
Business and Economy Carilion Clinic Delays Plan To Build New Mental Health Center in Roanoke, Citing Pandemic Carilion Clinic has postponed plans to build a new mental health center as part of a $300-million expansion of its southwest Roanoke campus.
Feature Meet the Roanoke Artist Duo Getting Flush Off Paintings of Local Toilets While murals remain the Nolan-Shafers’ number one art priority, the couple has found surprise best-sellers in their number two.
Addiction Roanoke's New First Responders to Overdose Calls: People in Addiction Recovery The Roanoke Valley Collective Response is hiring three peer recovery specialists who will respond to calls with police and paramedics.
Investigation Debts, Civil Lawsuit and a Trip to Kroger: The Curious Case of an Ex-Roanoke Councilman's Bond Hearing Robert Jeffrey Jr.'s financial situation raises questions about how he will be able to return $200,000 to victims of embezzlement.
Transportation Roanoke Gives Green Light To Seek Funding for Williamson Road Traffic Reconfiguration Plans to change the four-lane stretch to two car lanes, a center turn lane and bike lanes have garnered mixed reactions.
Ramblings Ramblings: Mountain Valley Pipeline Focus of Deal in Federal Climate Talks; Local Monkeypox Caseload; Supplies Sought for Back-to-School Drives What are Ramblings? Ramblings are a collection of short items that have caught our attention for one reason or another.
City Hall Roanoke City Council Created An Equity Advisory Board Two Years Ago. Here's What It's Been Up To. Roanoke City’s panel on equity emerged in 2020 amid a nationwide reckoning over racism.
Housing Roanoke Housing Commissioners Hear How They Could Enhance, Expand Affordable Housing Units “So your recommendation is, essentially, ‘Do this as quickly as you can,’” the commission's chairman told a consultant.
Politics Scope of Blame Widens in Volosin Campaign's Use of Sample Ballots During Roanoke City Council Primary, Complaints Say Family of Peter Volosin and Vivian Sanchez-Jones passed out sample ballots, complaint filed by losing candidate alleges.
Climate Crisis Roanoke Council Has Called For 'Emergency Action' On Global Warming. So Why Is the City's Climate Plan Still Out of Date? A pandemic, plastic bag fee and recent retirement have contributed to a delay in revising Roanoke's master climate plan.
Ramblings Ramblings: Fire Department Staff Shortages; Back-to-School Vaccine Clinics; Volosin Not Only Candidate Facing Complaint What are Ramblings? Ramblings are a collection of short items that have caught our attention for one reason or another.
City Hall Roanoke Parks Nonprofit Seeks To Raise Funds That City Can’t Through private philanthropy, the Roanoke Parks Foundation is intended to enhance the city’s parks, centers and trails.
Education Roanoke School Board Welcomes SROs In Every School, Punts On Student ID Badge In Approving $1.7 Million Safety Package As part of safety improvements, the district would also add counselors and establish a 24/7 safety tip line.
Labor Roanoke Starbucks Unionizes In Unanimous Vote, Becoming First Such Store In Southwest Virginia Employees of The Bridges Roanoke store this week voted 14-0 to join the Workers United union.
Education Artificial Intelligence, Clear Bags, Counselors Among Roanoke City Schools' Ideas To Keep Kids Safe Roanoke's school board is weighing how to spend more than half a million dollars to improve safety for 13,000 students.
Politics Among The Contenders For Roanoke City Council: Three Openly Gay Men. If Democrats sweep the general election, Roanoke's city council would have the most gay members among any single Virginia locality.
Politics Cobb, Sanchez-Jones and Volosin Picked As Roanoke's Democratic City Council Nominees — But Not Before A Rare Party Rebuke. The trio will make up the Democratic ticket for four-year City Council seats in the Nov. 8 general election.