Happenings Happenings: The Only Roanoke Events Calendar You’ll Ever Need. Week of 2/9 to 2/16. We scoured 17 disparate community calendars (yes, 17) so you didn’t have to.
Why Roanoke Lags Virginia Peers On LGBTQ Score, Salem Teacher Turnover Rate Varies By School, Hepatitis A Surges, and More Roanoke's last-place ranking among Virginia peers in LGBTQ equality index; Salem schools employee climate report; Hepatitis A cases.
Ramblings Ramblings: Hepatitis A Surges, Covid Falls; Nashville Flight Comes to Roanoke; DJ Battle Canceled Over Lack of Diversity What are Ramblings? Ramblings are a collection of short items that have caught our attention for one reason or another.
Happenings Happenings: The Only Roanoke Events Calendar You’ll Ever Need. Week of 2/2 to 2/9. We scoured 17 disparate community calendars (yes, 17) so you didn’t have to.
Ring in Lunar New Year With These Symbolic Dishes, New Focus on Salem Principal's Actions, Mask Policies, and More Symbolic dishes for Lunar New Year; renewed focus on Salem principal's actions; school masking policies.
Ramblings Ramblings: Local Health Director Hopeful Omicron Peaked; Grants for Roanoke Small Businesses; Top Donors to Youngkin Inaugural What are Ramblings? Ramblings are a collection of short items that have caught our attention for one reason or another.
Happenings Happenings: The Only Roanoke Events Calendar You’ll Ever Need. Week of 1/26 to 2/2. We scoured 17 disparate community calendars (yes, 17) so you didn’t have to.
Morale Low at Salem Schools As Teachers Point To High School Principal, Competitive Race for Roanoke Council, and More A toxic workplace environment alleged at Salem City schools; Roanoke City Council race; new poetry.
Poetry Dante's Tombs Seven hundred years ago, / Dante died in exile in Ravenna / and was buried there.
Ramblings Ramblings: Roanoke City Scraps Employee Vaccine Mandate; New Candidate Enters Council Race; More Bills From Local Lawmakers What are Ramblings? Ramblings are a collection of short items that have caught our attention for one reason or another.
Happenings Happenings: The Only Roanoke Events Calendar You’ll Ever Need. Week of 1/19 to 1/26. We scoured 17 disparate community calendars (yes, 17) so you didn’t have to.
Reimagined Catawba Hospital Plan Would Expand Rehab, New LGBTQ Group Debuts in SWVA, Covid Cases Rise, and More A reimagined Catawba Hospital for addiction treatment; new LGBTQ group focuses on SWVA; Spike in Covid cases.
Ramblings Ramblings: COVID-19 Prompts Record-High Hospitalizations; Bills from Local Legislators; AG Says Youngkin Can't Ditch RGGI What are Ramblings? Ramblings are a collection of short items that have caught our attention for one reason or another.
Happenings Happenings: The Only Roanoke Events Calendar You’ll Ever Need. Week of 1/12 to 1/19. We scoured 17 disparate community calendars (yes, 17) so you didn’t have to.
Roanoke Homeless Pushed Out of Downtown, Bag Fee Targets Plastic Waste, 'Thirdly' Report New laws for 2022 push homeless out of Roanoke downtown; impose plastic bag fee to reduce waste.
Ramblings Ramblings: Covid Cases Could Affect Roanoke City Services; Pay Set for Sheriff, Revenue Czar; Real Estate Values Soar What are Ramblings? Ramblings are a collection of short items that have caught our attention for one reason or another.
Happenings Happenings: The Only Roanoke Events Calendar You’ll Ever Need. Week of 1/5 to 1/12. We scoured 17 disparate community calendars (yes, 17) so you didn’t have to.
Special Literary Issue to Close Out 2021: New (and Old) Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, Poetry A short story from 1911; creative essays on un/happiness and war; new fiction and poetry.