Arts Roanoke's Black History Museum Plans To Leave Downtown for Melrose Plaza Center in the Square was not planning on renewing the Harrison museum’s same lease, which is up in 2026.
Ramblings Ramblings: Rasoul Faces Challenger; Cat Cafe Opens; Massive Tree Plant Underway What are Ramblings? Ramblings are a collection of short items that have caught our attention for one reason or another.
Happenings Happenings: The Only Roanoke Events Calendar You’ll Ever Need. Week of 12/11 to 12/18. We scoured 30 disparate community calendars (yes, 30) so you didn’t have to.
Development New Life Proposed for Walker Foundry Land in Apartments, Restaurant, Pickleball Courts Apartment complex, restaurant and pickleball courts could forge a new community in Roanoke’s Norwich neighborhood.
City Hall For City Manager, Roanoke Hires Northern Virginia Official with Background in Housing Valmarie Turner, Fairfax’s deputy city manager, becomes Roanoke’s next city manager next month, replacing Bob Cowell.
Poetry I Found My Grandmother’s Home on Zillow Beginning with those hedges, gnarled like her hands, / branches of veins spreading out, setting the house apart.
Happenings Happenings: The Only Roanoke Events Calendar You’ll Ever Need. Week of 12/4 to 12/11. We scoured 30 disparate community calendars (yes, 30) so you didn’t have to.
Policing Roanoke Gun Violence Rates Fall to Pre-Pandemic Levels, One Year into Police Chief's Tenure “I found a department that was hungry for leadership,” Police Chief Scott Booth said about arriving in Roanoke a year ago.
Ramblings Ramblings: Church Restores Building and Plans Coffee Shop; City Manager Search Nears End; Mayoral Recount Proceeds What are Ramblings? Ramblings are a collection of short items that have caught our attention for one reason or another.
Happenings Happenings: The Only Roanoke Events Calendar You’ll Ever Need. Week of 11/27 to 12/4. We scoured 30 disparate community calendars (yes, 30) so you didn’t have to.
Economy Once Roanoke's Sleepy Blue-Collar Neighbor, Vinton Tries Making Itself a Hip Destination Big things have been happening in Vinton, where $50 million in investment since 2015 has filled once-empty buildings with new restaurants and retail businesses.
Politics As Cobb Is Elected Mayor, Roanoke City Council Is Poised To Appoint a New Member David Bowers has until Monday to request a recount, though an analysis of recounts nationwide shows it's unlikely to change the outcome.
Politics These Maps Show Where Roanoke Mayoral, City Council Candidates Found Support New data show how well candidates for mayor and City Council performed across Roanoke’s diverse neighborhoods.
Happenings Happenings: The Only Roanoke Events Calendar You’ll Ever Need. Week of 11/20 to 11/27. We scoured 30 disparate community calendars (yes, 30) so you didn’t have to.
Investigation 'Unfounded': Virginia Museum of Transportation Says Probe Finds Nonprofit Accounted for State Grant Money Some board members who resigned in June said they remain skeptical that the museum is in good hands.
Politics Cobb Expands Lead To 69 Votes Over Bowers As Roanoke Mayor's Race Nears Finish Line The city’s electoral board must certify the final results by Friday, but a recount may be likely.
Ramblings Ramblings: City Seeks In-River Kayak Park Builder; Goodwill Grocery Store Opens; Schools Eye Construction Completion What are Ramblings? Ramblings are a collection of short items that have caught our attention for one reason or another.
Happenings Happenings: The Only Roanoke Events Calendar You’ll Ever Need. Week of 11/13 to 11/20. We scoured 30 disparate community calendars (yes, 30) so you didn’t have to.