City Hall Roanoke May Need To Slash Millions in City Spending As Budget Woes Emerge The shortfall could affect schools, public transportation and parks.
City Hall Roanoke Sues Residents Who Cut Down City-Owned Trees It’s a rare case for the city to bring to court. In recent years, Roanoke has tried to protect and expand the city’s tree canopy.
City Hall Powers Sworn In on Roanoke City Council After Council Reverses Earlier Deadlock The swearing-in capped an intense lobbying campaign to fill the rest of Mayor Joe Cobb’s City Council term.
City Hall Roanoke To Defend Against 2 Lawsuits Alleging Toxic Workplace Under Ex-Leaders The lawsuits could shed further light on a drama that gripped Roanoke city hall last year, when claims of a toxic workplace preceded the city manager’s resignation.
City Hall Roanoke Aims To Seize, Sell Downtown Parking Garage Plagued By Tax, Code Issues The parking garage beside the Amtrak platform has been closed since April, when city officials deemed the structure unsafe.
City Hall 'Council Isn't Immune': Property Values Are Rising. Here's How Much Elected Leaders' Homes Went Up. Roanoke property owners are seeing an average 8 percent increase in their real estate tax bills this year, a historically high but downward-trending assessment.
City Hall Roanoke Botched Funding for After-School Contractor, Lost Out on Grant Money, Audit Finds The city failed to budget enough money for youth programs run by The Foundry, leading to discord and lost revenue, an audit found.
City Hall For City Manager, Roanoke Hires Northern Virginia Official with Background in Housing Valmarie Turner, Fairfax’s deputy city manager, becomes Roanoke’s next city manager next month, replacing Bob Cowell.
City Hall Roanoke Council Backpedals on Abolishing Its Youth Athletics Review Board Members of the Youth Athletics Review Board were caught off guard last month after the city attorney floated a proposal to do away with the recently formed group.
City Hall Changes at Roanoke City Hall Show Interim Manager Isn't Just Keeping Seat Warm A recent reassignment of duties at the top shows Roanoke’s interim city manager, Lydia Patton, is not content to carry on the status quo.
City Hall Roanoke Proposes Disbanding Youth Athletics Board Created Three Years Ago It wasn’t immediately clear why City Council was considering disbanding the athletics board, or how that would fix a problem it’s seeking to solve.
City Hall 'It Makes Us Look Like Fools': Riverdale Developer Urged Roanoke Council Not To 'Fire' City Manager, Emails Show Other Roanoke developers expressed mixed feelings about Bob Cowell’s departure, with a couple saying it was time the city manager moved on.
City Hall Roanoke City Council Votes To Raise Its Pay, Which Will Nearly Double By 2027 The action was a change from a last-minute meeting Friday, when City Council voted to institute a full $20,000 pay bump next year.
City Hall Roanoke Council Picks Former Member Fitzpatrick To Take Over Priddy's Term Bev Fitzpatrick served three terms on Council beginning in the 1980s and was later executive director of the Virginia Museum of Transportation.
City Hall Roanoke Council Names Former Portsmouth City Manager As Interim After Cowell's Departure Lydia Pettis Patton will succeed Bob Cowell in an interim capacity over the next four months, Roanoke leaders announced
City Hall Roanoke To Pay Departed City Manager Cowell One Year’s Salary, Benefits, Per Contract Bob Cowell's contract says the city must pay him a year's salary and benefits under a "no cause termination" clause.
City Hall Roanoke City Manager Cowell Resigns. Here's What Led Up To It. In the wake of toxic workplace claims, City Manager Bob Cowell resigned and Council installed Mayor Sherman Lea as an acting city manager.
City Hall Roanoke City Council Decides To Keep Property Taxes Steady After Vice Mayor Floats Rate Cut City Council members on Monday rebuffed any effort to reduce property taxes this year, but expressed sympathy with exploring that option in the future.