City Hall Roanoke Council Backpedals on Abolishing Its Youth Athletics Review Board Members of the Youth Athletics Review Board were caught off guard last month after the city attorney floated a proposal to do away with the recently formed group.
City Hall Changes at Roanoke City Hall Show Interim Manager Isn't Just Keeping Seat Warm A recent reassignment of duties at the top shows Roanoke’s interim city manager, Lydia Patton, is not content to carry on the status quo.
Education 'A Brilliant Idea': Vision To Turn Jefferson Center into Magnet High School Met with Praise from Roanoke Council Members Support from the purse-string-controlling Council would be key if the district is to alleviate overcrowding at high schools.
Education Roanoke Superintendent Floats Third High School, Possibly in Renovated Jefferson Center Roanoke’s two public high schools have at least 20 percent more students than they can handle currently, according to a recent report.
Neighborhoods Parking for Higher Ed Center Hits Gainsboro Nerve Amid Plan To Revive Neighborhood The center's proposal to take over a city-owned parking lot has prompted pushback from some Gainsboro residents amid a plan to revitalize the neighborhood.
Housing In Reversal, Roanoke Planning Board Advises Council Not To Approve Revised Zoning Policy City Council is still expected to decide on Sept. 16 whether to reapprove the zoning package.
City Hall Roanoke Proposes Disbanding Youth Athletics Board Created Three Years Ago It wasn’t immediately clear why City Council was considering disbanding the athletics board, or how that would fix a problem it’s seeking to solve.
Housing Roanoke's Revised Zoning Reforms Still Face Pushback — from Plaintiffs and City Council Candidates City Council is expected in September to again consider recently approved reforms that end exclusively single-family zoning.
Politics Disparate Roanoke City Council Candidates Find Unity in Bashing Evans Spring Plan None of the candidates has been elected to City Council before, and many found common ground in attacking the status quo.
Education As Roanoke School District Aims To Limit Cell Phones, Governor Orders Statewide Policies A Roanoke school district group recommends different policies around cell phone use for K-8 students and high school students.
City Hall 'It Makes Us Look Like Fools': Riverdale Developer Urged Roanoke Council Not To 'Fire' City Manager, Emails Show Other Roanoke developers expressed mixed feelings about Bob Cowell’s departure, with a couple saying it was time the city manager moved on.
City Hall Roanoke City Council Votes To Raise Its Pay, Which Will Nearly Double By 2027 The action was a change from a last-minute meeting Friday, when City Council voted to institute a full $20,000 pay bump next year.
Politics Roanoke Treasurer Runs For City Council As Independent, Jackson Drops Out Officially Evelyn Powers is running for City Council as an independent, while Jamaal Jackson dropped out Tuesday, hours before polls closed in a Democratic primary.
City Hall Roanoke Council Picks Former Member Fitzpatrick To Take Over Priddy's Term Bev Fitzpatrick served three terms on Council beginning in the 1980s and was later executive director of the Virginia Museum of Transportation.
Politics Roanoke City Voter Registrar To Retire Before General Election Andrew Cochran, who's served as Roanoke's voter registrar since 2013, says he will retire in September.
Housing City To Repeal, Replace Zoning Reforms After Roanoke Sued Over Single-Family Housing City Council voted to begin the process of repealing and replacing in “similar substance” a raft of zoning changes the city adopted in March.
City Hall Roanoke Council Names Former Portsmouth City Manager As Interim After Cowell's Departure Lydia Pettis Patton will succeed Bob Cowell in an interim capacity over the next four months, Roanoke leaders announced
City Hall Roanoke To Pay Departed City Manager Cowell One Year’s Salary, Benefits, Per Contract Bob Cowell's contract says the city must pay him a year's salary and benefits under a "no cause termination" clause.